Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The First Day of School 2008

It's the first day of school once again and we can proudly say that we have NEVER missed a first day picture with our wonderful paper signs! Good job Law parents!

Passing On a Tradition

Everyone wanted cookies the other night. They were begging me to make them. However, have been told that Dayton's cookies are even better than MINE! Well, I decided to use this to my advantage. I told Dayton that it was time for him to "Pass on the tradition" especially if he wanted these guys to make him cookies while he was on his mission. I was very surprised when he took me up on this. He got Cado and Roo into the kitchen and together they made a great batch of cookies. I don't know how much Cado and Roo paid attention, but Dayton said the key to success was measuring exactly! Hum, I wonder who he thinks needs to learn that lesson! I learned my cooking skills from my mother. I guess I'll have to BLAME HER!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The End of a Great Day

Bo on the bumper cars.
Dave finally felt good enough to try the REAL ROCKET witht he boys.
Time to go home. Those coolers we much lighter! We headed to Heber and got "half price Sonic burgers" on the way home. Wow, life is good.
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We had strategic times lined up to meet at the pavillion so that we could eat all of that food in our coolers. Everytime we went, we could also tell that the boys had already been there. I think they really liked their food!
Everyone got a little tired by evening and the boys were happy to hang out with us on the more family oriented rides!

Dayton and Bo DID decide to pay the $20.00 each just to say that they had gone on the ride called the Catapult! Bo was a little more excited than Dayton. Dayton looked pretty terrified!
We knew this was a serious ride when it took two grown men to hook them up to all of the gear for this ride. Once they were in, a giant sling shot basically shot them way up into the sky! FUN FUN!Posted by Picasa

Mariah and I Enjoy all the Spinning Rides

Since Dave didn't feel that hot for the majority of the day, Mariah and I spent our time going on all of the spinning rides that he couldn't even look at!

Mariah's brothers were quite impressed when we told them that she had gone on the Rocket. They didn't know it was the Ladybug Rocket and anyone out of diapers could go on it!
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WICKED is a Ride Not a PLAY!

This is Wicked. I'm still not sure if Dave and the boys were on this car but, if I can't tell, neither can anyone else! AH HA!

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Ready for a Day at Lagoon

As you can see, we didn't want to starve on our family vacation so we made sure we had plenty of food for Lagoon. Two coolers and a box...do we really eat that much?!!
Our greatest surprise was learning that it was customer appreciation day at Lagoon and tickets were 2 for 1. Half price. Life couldn't get any better than that for ME!
The boys wanted Dave to go on Wicked first thing because they were afraid he would chicken out later. They don't call it wicked for nothing!
Is this fear or excitement on Dave's face as he watches the ride he's about to go on. He was sick for the rest of the day.
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A Whole Lot of Card Playing at LaQuinta!

After 2 hours of successful school shopping we went to LaQuinta. Everyone swam for a moment and then Dave and the boys played their nightly game of Hearts. They have some running tally going and whoever gets to 100 is the winner or the loser (I can't remember) and has to buy everyone else dinner. They are taking this bet pretty seriously.
Bo joined them on this rare occasion.
Dave finally told Cado that it's not good to show other people your hand of cards. Dayton used that strategy to beat Dave quite handidly!
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Our Mini Mini Family Vacation

Well we have been promising to take the kids to Lagoon for their summer vacation this summer. Since summer is nearly over, we knew we had to hurry and get this in. We left Monday afternoon and took the family straight to the Texas Roadhouse. We had bragged it up to them and they were not disappointed!
We've always felt like Bo had a special "glow" about him. This proves it!
Dave, Cado and Roo!
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Monday, August 18, 2008

Carrie Would Blog This...

Carrie has been very curious about this post. Well here it is. My food storage room. I figured if Carrie could block cleaning her desk and her pajama drawers, I should blog this. This is miraculous to say the least. This room has been a hazard for many years. Now it is nice and organized. These pictures will be especially helpful for the Whitings. Now Lezlee can look on this post, see what I have in stock and then call to borrow it. I found that I have stocked up on some of the essential supplies that she often needs such as Rice Crispies! I also found that I buy a lot of pumpkin, but obviously we don't eat it. We have got to make some pies or something because Thanksgiving is coming up and I'm sure I will be buying some more! I also found that I need to find a family who likes Spaghettios. We used to be one of those families, but I guess we aren't anymore and they are piling up. My kids ate so many they are sick of them. Finally, you will be able to see that I found another great deal on cereal. Yep, we are stocked with over 60 boxes! That will last approximately 10 weeks...longer, if I quite buying that expensive MILK to go with it!

Can Reading Too Many Scriptures Be Bad For You?

I'm starting to wonder if I'm reading too many scriptures right now and I'm wondering if it's good for me! Right now we are trying to get the Book of Mormon read AGAIN, before Dayton leaves on his mission. That means we are reading quite a bit every day. Yesterday we had to do double duty because Dayton and Bo were out too late Saturday night. Maybe that's what did it. At least that's what I'm wondering.

Last night I woke up from a terrible dream and I was just shaking. That's when I realized that all this scripture reading was getting to me. In my dream, my "elder" sister and her band of followers wanted to kill me and my family. Dave and I knew they were coming after us, but we had to go to town to pick up our kids from something. As Dave and I were driving away from our house, we saw them and we realized that we had forgotten to lock the door! I knew they were going to go in and destroy our house and wait for us to come home. I was especially worried because I had also left my purse and my camera right in harms way! Dave and I realized that we could not go home any more and our only option was to go into the wilderness! THAT'S WHEN I WOKE UP!

Friday, August 15, 2008


By Carrie: Oh man, this morning was so exciting. Shirlene and I were walking on the golf course when we saw Bo with the gator. Shirlene asked if we could get in it and I asked if we could take it for a drive like I have always wanted to do. Bo said, "yes" and we drove it down the hill and back up. Shirlene was impressed at my driving skills. When we got to the top of the hill, we saw Bo's boss beside him. Oh no! Their backs were turned away so we quickly "ditched" the gator and ran back down the hill hoping that Bo would not get fired!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Roo and Cado

We've about given up on successful school pictures and so today, Roo and Cado and I decided that we would just take some of our own and then make them big so that we can finally send the Grandparents an updated picture! We are really bad at that. Well if we never get them sent, the Grandparents can at least see them here!

Girl's Weekend...with a Twist!

Well it was girl's weekend last week, but it had an added twist: Soren, Anson, Hannah and Gage! Oh well, we at least got to have one meal out. Needless to say, it was in a downpour of rain. Hannah even cooked us breakfast one morning. Thanks Hannah, we just might invite you back!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Three More Miracles!

  We feel blessed. It was a miracle when we found the cheese grater, but we have been blessed this week with 3 MORE MIRACLES! Can you believe that? Our first miracle is this pig. It was born in February (when we were gone to Mexico) and it has always been the complete runt. It has had such a hard life and not been able to walk. Most pig farmers would not have stood for that. Not us. It always just seemed content to drag itself around the farm.
  Well, this week it started walking! It is even running! We seriously can't believe that.
  Our second miracle happened when I was watering my Mother's Day tree that we planted 6 years ago. We bought it for color. We wanted a red leaf tree. It was supposed to be a flowering crab apple. We basically forget about it on a yearly basis. However, I just happened to glance and notice that it had something growing on it. They were cherries and really good ones to boot. I'll be taking better care of that tree now!
Our third miracle is our ice maker. It has worked 3 times in the 7 years that we have lived in Roosevelt. Fortunately for us it just magically began working again this week. I went to get some food out of the container the ice falls into (because it was a useful place to store food) and I was shocked to see ice all over the freezer. We never know how long this will last, but we enjoy it while it's here!
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