We feel blessed. It was a miracle when we found the cheese grater, but we have been blessed this week with 3 MORE MIRACLES! Can you believe that? Our first miracle is this pig. It was born in February (when we were gone to Mexico) and it has always been the complete runt. It has had such a hard life and not been able to walk. Most pig farmers would not have stood for that. Not us. It always just seemed content to drag itself around the farm.

Well, this week it started walking! It is even running! We seriously can't believe that.

Our second miracle happened when I was watering my Mother's Day tree that we planted 6 years ago. We bought it for color. We wanted a red leaf tree. It was supposed to be a flowering crab apple. We basically forget about it on a yearly basis. However, I just happened to glance and notice that it had something growing on it. They were cherries and really good ones to boot. I'll be taking better care of that tree now!
Our third miracle is our ice maker. It has worked 3 times in the 7 years that we have lived in Roosevelt. Fortunately for us it just magically began working again this week. I went to get some food out of the container the ice falls into (because it was a useful place to store food) and I was shocked to see ice all over the freezer. We never know how long this will last, but we enjoy it while it's here!