We had an egg coloring contest. The stakes were BIG! Whoever won would be....the WINNER!

There was some great creativity that we think the orange julius' inspired.

Here were the four eggs entered into the contest.

Dave judged and of course he chose the most simple egg. Mariah's polka dot egg won.

The Easter baskets were hidden in some pretty great spots. After a long, long seach, Mariah finally found hers in the flour bin.

Here is everyone with there baskets.

Cado and Dayton had an inside joke of needing Febreeze. So they each got their own spray bottle of it.

After church we had the big egg hunt. The crew knew there was money inside many of the eggs (following in Grandma Call's tradition) so the intensity of the hunt was big!

After opening the eggs, we are still certain that there is still another egg in the house that has another $20.00 in it. Everyone searched for as long as possible, but it was still not found. WE are quite certain that it will appear down the road and someone will be very happy.

Cado was very successful at finding the $1.00 dollar bills. He really wished his success was better at finding the $20.00 ones.