Monday, February 18, 2013

It's Official, Dave is the New Associate Dean

Dear All,

I am pleased to announce the appointment of David Law as Associate Dean at USU Uintah Basin.  Dave has been, and will be, a wonderful asset to this campus.  I appreciate your support as we bring him on board and assign responsibilities.  

Cheers and best,

*Here's the official announcement.  But, I think that Dave is most excited about the fact that he will be moving into the BIG office that is right next to ME!!!!  Now, I can keep a better eye on him.  ha ha

Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Last Game at Cedar City

 Sadly, the boys lost the game to Cedar City and won't be going to state.  It was a very sad looking group at the end.  It's been a great season watching these boys play.  We look forward to next year.
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Mariah and Dave's Plant Cell

 Well this is the last year we will have to make a plant cell with our children.  This is also the first time Dave has helped.  He and Mariah worked for about 4 hours on Monday to create this masterpiece.  Mariah's science teacher said it was the "brightest" cell that had ever been created. 
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Union vs. Wasatch

 J.V. game.  It was a very close game but Union lost by 3.
 Unfortunately varsity lost as well.  That made it so that Wasatch got the second spot in region and Union got the third.  That meant that Union had to travel to Cedar City for the State play in game next Friday.
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Friday, February 1, 2013

USU 3 on 3 Tournament

 What could be better than more basketball on a "non basketball" night?  Hum, more basketball.  Dave and Cado created some teams that played in the 3 on 3 basketball tournament.
 There were 8 teams total and it was double elimination.  Cado and Jace actually had two teams that they were on.
 There was a lot of planning and strategy taking place on Dave's team, but in the end, they played Cado, Jace and Gavin and you will see by the following picture...that the younger chaps won! 
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