Sunday, December 17, 2017

Sweet Brother Hugs

We spent the evening with Carter and Hunter and Cooper.  Carter insists on a sweet hug from Hunter each night before he goes to sleep.

Is it really December 15

Here is the weather on Dec. 15.  This is the warmest winter we have seen in a very long time. Dave and Mariah are working on the dog fence and I moved the lawn!

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Chair Transformation

Here is my Pinterest success story.  I needed a Dr. Seuss chair for grandparents day in preschool.  So, I looked up ideas online, found an old chair from a friend and transformed it!

Halloween Grandkids

Dayton and Brooke sent us pictures of our Halloween grandkids.  I'm not sure where Hunter's picture went, but Carter and Cooper look pretty awesome in the costumes that Brooke's mom made for her siblings when they were babies too.

Pumpkin Cooper

Mariah and Madi

Quick Shopping Trip

Mariah, Madi and I ran to Orem for a quick shopping trip.  We met up with Cado and Savannah and had some pretty disgusting Panda Express food, but we still loved getting together.  Mariah found the Christmas isle at the store and was in heaven.

Brother Photo Shoot

Night at the Corn Maze

We spent an evening at the Corn Maze with Big Blue.  It's a good thing Mariah has Madi around because everyone else there were little kids.

Lagoon Day Date

Mariah went to Lagoon with Nate and his sister Megan.  I had Mariah send a picture just to verify that she had made it alive!

Canning Crazy!

It's been a few years, but this year I got some Logan apples and actually canned a lot of applesauce.  It's truly a labor of love, especially when you have no one to help you.  But, it is delicious.

U of U versus Stanford

We look like true Standford fans at the U of U game thanks to the borrowed clothes from the Foote's.  For us, it meant free tickets and actually cheering for a winning team.

The New Hired Help

It's was time to retar the blacktop and the boys are gone.  So, Mariah and Madi had to step it up.  Madi caught this great picture of Mariah's gear as she blew out the cracks and then both of them worked hard at spreading that sticky tar all over the driveway.

Favorite Picture Ever

Today I was teaching about early childhood self-concept in my human development class.  I sent Dayton a text to see if he had any pictures showing Hunter's "high" self-concept.  He immediately sent this one from the night before.  The picture says it all.  Hunter is ready to play soccer!

Tennis Banquet

New Driveway at the Logan House

The blacktop at the Logan house was in shambles and Grandpa Call would NOT agree to let anyone fix it.  After years of this, Joyce and I made a plan to get this done without him knowing.  The plan didn't quite work as expected, but even with a hiccup, we got the driveway redone.  We met together and tore out tons of trees and shrubs and this place looks so much better.

State Tennis Meet

Here are the girls gettine ready for the State Tennis Meet.
Mariah won her first match.  Here she is waiting for her second.  The girls in these line ups always look so serious.  I guess those nerves do that.  
We only had the 4 seniors on the bus ride home.  It was a bittersweet ride for all of us.  We will all truly miss tennis.

Mariah's Birthday

We traveled out to State Tennis on Mariah's birthday.  So, we stopped at Texas Roadhouse and ate and made sure Mariah got to sit in the "birthday saddle!"

Monday, October 9, 2017

Blast from the Past

Boni Monks found this picture from when Mariah and I were in the newspaper when we first moved here.  How times flies.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

She Made the UB Standard

Mariah became the first Region Champ that Union Tennis has ever had.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Union Homecoming

Homecoming Parade

Our 30th Anniversary Cake

The marshmallow cake is now a 5 year tradition that Mariah has got to keep going.  Here is our 30 year anniversary cake and as you can see, we have added 3 grandkids and 1 daugther in law in the last five years.  Life is good..but cake is better ;)