It was 11:00 p.m. and Maria was ready for bed. Everyone else wanted to play spoons and we begged her to stay for just a little while. We had a huge circle of people and lots of spoons to match. The game was going well and then we decided to add an element of competition to it. The first 3 people out, had to help Dave cook breakfast and the winner of the game got breakfast in bed. This increased the intensity quite rapidly. (There were even a few tears shed!) As you can see Maria and I were the two finalists fighting for the last spoon. Everyone anxiously watched as we played the final round. I was saving 5's and NEVER got a single one once we began. Then, when the game ended I found out why! Maria was saving 5's too! We think alike! Anyway, she was the ultimate winner and she decided that she loves the game of SPOONS!
Aunt Dani would be so proud of us. She taught Mariah and me how to make some bracelets in Star Valley. We bought some bracelet supplies and taught Maria and Jessica and Tanner! I am even impressed with myself.
Oh, now I'm just ticked you played w/out me!
YIPEE for you guys and YOUR mad skilzzz!! I am like a new mother! Oh how proud I am of you!!! GOOD JOB!!!!
I spy, in the first picture, what do I see? The Farming Game! What memories that one brings. We haven't played that one in a very long time.
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