It's a great day in the Law house. Bo received his Eagle Scout award today. Who's more excited, him or us? It's a little hard to know for sure. :)

At every Eagle ceremony the scout gets to give his mother and his father an Eagle Parent pin. Now I have two of them! One more to go.

We got to laugh as Dave protested the fact that the "mother" usually does the most to help her son obtain the rank of Eagle. This time, Dave is claiming that title! I will honorably give it to him.

Each Eagle Scout gets to give a special pin to the mentor who helped them throughout his scouting career. This is a well deserved award for Bishop Wallace.

It's a great feeling to pin on that Eagle Scout pin.

Here Bo takes his Scout oath as he is sworn in to be an Eagle Scout.

Finally, Bo gets to share his wisdom with the future Eagle Scouts in the room. He basically told them that there were treats in the other room and they were happy!

Treats definitely TRUMPS Eagle scout award huh!!!! hehe CONGRATULATIONS BO!!!!! Were the treats good??????
Aunt Shirlene!! Congrats to Bo for getting his Eagle! Collin got his project done... but he's having a hard time getting the 6 letter recommendations and such. He just hates to write. Hopefully he can get that done soon! :D
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