The grandkids with Grandpa's picture of him waving goodbye on the porch. It was one of his last pictures and it was perfect.
Dayton, Evan and Packie.
Kelly and his girlfriend Amy. She is sweet.
Grandpa's wreath.
The sign in book.
Flowers from Utah State University.
Maddie, Mariah and Abbie got bored so they became the greeters at the door. As people entered and exited they happily greeted them and said, "We hope you had a great time!" Some people reacted kind of funny to that statement :)
Here is the tribute to our missionaries who are currently serving missions and were not able to be here.
They decided to brand Grandpa's casket with the flying V brand. It has been in the family for a very long time.
Hum, it smelled authentic.
After the branding was done, smoke started coming out of the casket. There was silence, and then a quick opening of the top and a big pillar of smoke came puffing out. Fortunately, nothing was burning and Grandpa was o.k. In fact, he probably was laughing in heaven at his silly family!
Steve is showing the dirt that Grandpa had requested be buried with him.
1 comment:
Great pictures. Thanks for being our photographer!!! :)
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