Thursday we helped Grandma Law and then we headed up to Logan for Great Grandma Call's funeral. On the way home we picked up Brooke Hunter and took her straight to the Orangeville Lamb Fry and Pig Chase! That was a very good way to break in a city slicker!
Lincoln had discovered Cado and didn't leave his side for most of the family reunion. We've decided that Shandie and Steven need to move closer to us for Lincoln's sake!!!
On the way home, Dayton made sure that Brooke carried him!
Saturday morning we were up bright and early for the Orangeville 5K~ We had 16 of the 75 runners. Brooke won the women's division and best of all, she beat Dayton :) She won a camp chair for that feat and the Law's highest respect and admiration.
We found that it is EASY to fit 13 people in the Suburban on the way home.
The rest of Saturday was filled with the games, races and fun of Orangeville days. Here are the giant fish that the little kids caught. We were so glad that they shared them when they were cooked.
The family was highly entertained by the games at the park and most of them took a lot of talent and still like this one where Dayton threw cheese puffs onto Brooke's shaving cream head.
Or this one where they spit the pickle as far as they can.
Or this one, where the blindfolded person feeds the other person whipped cream cookies. (I think they both should have been blindfolded.
And finally, this one where they saw how many fruit snacks they could catch in their mouths.
It all ended with the firefighters foam frenzy. This activity had been banned for the past few years because some people had complained that it stung their children's eyes. They solved the problem this year by saying you could only participate in this activity if you "weren't going to be a poopy butt and complain!" ha ha
Kellen and Cado introducing Lincoln to the foam.
And, this is how you clean off the foam!
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