I'm finally getting these pictures pulled off of my ipad so that I can finally blog some of the excitement that happened while mom spent her last week in the hospital. We knew she didn't want to be bored so most of the time we packed the waiting room with relatives. Most of these pictures happened on Sunday, March 4. Everyone came for the day. We had a special fast for mom and went to the church services at the hospital. The kids thought that part was great. We didn't have to wear church clothes. The meeting was only 30 minutes and the people there were thrilled to see us because we quadrupled their numbers.

Dayton and Brooke brought the game that they built and taught everyone how to play it. Garry had to leave the table when he decided that the game made him want to swear a few too many times! Joyce brought food and "mom's homemade brownies" so that we had something to eat. We found that we didn't have much to each and we all lost a good amount of poundage during this week long ordeal. We pretty much had the waiting room to ourselves which was good

because there really would not have been room for any other people to have visitors!

Sandy and her kids came a little later that day. They were a bit frazzled because Sandy had been moving into their new house that very weekend. They were really glad that they did not have to find church clothes as well.

Emi had the great idea to draw flowers for grandma's room. People in the ICU can't have real flowers so we thought that was a great idea. So, we each got a little piece of Emi's precious paper and a broken crayon or two and we drew mom a flower. We hung them on the wall of her room where she could see them and it turned out so cute. We later framed the flowers for her funeral and they are now keepsakes at dad's house. (I think we would have drawn better flowers had we known that prior!!!)

Dad and Brian drawing their flowers. Dad's said, "I love you momma bear!" I think that is the one and only picture I have ever seen my dad draw!

This little sign was placed strategically in the waiting room to ensure that those there would be quiet. Unfortunately, that didn't really help on this day, but we know that mom was happy knowing that we were all there AND making a LOT of happy noise.

The seven of us had more "together" time in that one week, than we have ever had in our whole lives. I think that mom wanted that!
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