Sunday, June 14, 2009

We Were NOT Ready for theDigital Switch!

Well, we weren't ready for the switch to digital t.v. That doesn't surprise us, nor does it really surprise anyone who knows us. Oh well. We are seeing some positives to not having the t.v. on. They kids are having to come up with "other" entertainment. Here is an all time favorite that they have pulled out of our history books. (Dayton and Bo used to do this all the time.) They spend hours building lego ships and then spend about 30 seconds crashing them to see whose is the strongest. Mariah said, she actually doesn't miss the t.v. :)

Does He Love It Or Hate It?

We've discovered that Riley is a singing dog. He always runs in our house and hides when it thunders because he is terrified of storms. Anyway, he can be in here for hours without us knowing. Mariah has found the perfect way to find him though. She plays "Home on the Range" and we soon begin to hear him. Today he just happened to be by the piano and we got it on tape. Enjoy.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Tomato Wars Champs!

Cado, Roo, Carson and Landyn enjoyed Grandma's 70 year old elevator! It always impresses guests.

We got to take Cado, Landyn and Carson to the Hooper Tomato Wars this past weekend for a soccer tournament. Roosevelt has tried this in the past and usually come away truly humbled by the experience! This year was different though. Six different Roosevelt teams went to the tournament and 4 of them got first or second place. Cado's team got first. Cado plays midfield and runs his little tail off. He slept the whole way home and almost the entire next day.

The team was highly disappointed at the awards ceremony though. They found out that only the "little kids" got the BIG trophies and the "older kids" got tomato war t-shirts! If you look closely at Cado's last picture, you can tell that he feels like he just got jipped!

Mariah's End of School Party

Mariah had a few friends join her for the last day of school party. Little did we know that that would also be the last "warm" day of summer. Since then it has rained almost everyday and we even find that we need to put on our "fuzzy" socks to stay warm!