Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving at the Law's

These were only a few of the cars that spent the last five days in Orangeville.  Grandma's house was filled with 50 people for 5 days.  Yep, that makes for a full house and a full parking lot.
Every room in the house was used to its maximum potential.  Lots of games were played.
The kitchen was always filled with people and most often they were cooking...more food!
We had our Thanksgiving meal at four in the afternoon.  The troops were VERY hungry by then.  We now eat in the garage because that is the only place we can fit everyone.
But, Brittany had spent a lot of time making the tables look lovely!
Here are the lines of people waiting for TURKEY!
Some of the troops got so hungry that they simply started to eat other people's food as they waited for their turn.
Fortunately, we all got fed and there was even a little turkey and ham left over.  It was delicious.
On Sunday, we had our usual "stand in the sun and smile" pose. 
Steve brought home a new girlfriend named Dana.  We have already decided that she needs to join the Law family.  She is already planning on joining us for girl's weekend in March so we are pretty sure she is sticking around...with or without Steve!
Ah, it's a good thing we haven't changed a bit throughout all of these years. 
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Law's Happy Hens

  I'm pretty sure we should rename our blog.  We no longer have hogs anymore but we do have happy hens.  They have found their new favorite place.  Each morning after scavaging around the farm for food; they come to their favorite spot and spend the day.  We're thinking that they look pretty darn happy!  Now, if we could just get them to lay their eggs right here we would be in business.
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Saturday Work

 We're trying to get all of the Saturday work done before it starts to snow.   On this day, gutters were cleaned, wood was chopped and the trailer got worked on. 
 Dave, Cado and Roo said that I could stay inside if I made cookies though!  I quickly took them up on that offer.
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Girl's Choice...Deer Hunt

 The Deer Hunt dance was a while back but it looks like I forgot to blog it.  Cado went with Maddie Arnold and they looked good in their orange gear.
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