Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween at the Morturary

Obviously Mariah knows people in all the right places! She got to celebrate Halloween at the Hullinger Mortuary with some of her favorite ghouls! Here she is with Zoe. I'm not sure if Zoe was supposed to be in or out of the casket :)

Friday, October 28, 2011

He's Just so Adorable!

We just think that Cado and Gavin are adorable nerds ready for the dance. Cado's social life has really improved since he began to drive. I think once he realized that no one would beat him up...even if he had to drive a fifteen year old mini van, his confidence grew and he has really become himself!

He even got asked by a very cute girl, to go on his first date that will be next Saturday! Did he tell me? Heck no! I had to find the news out from another girl his age a few days after he got asked. He said, "He just forgot to tell me!" Are you kidding?
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Getting the Stuff Done that We Were Supposed to Do This Summer!

It's fall... Time to get all of these summer projects done! Nothing like procrastinating! We will just pray for a longer fall!

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Frosting Wars

The other night Mariah was cooking sugar cookies for Cado AGAIN. She's a great cook, but a lousy cleaner. The kitchen pretty much looks like it does when Dave cooks. Anyway, I was going around, closing cabinets and wiping frosting and flour off of the many, many cabinets it was on when finally I decided to wipe a little frosting on her. Needless to say, she took it on the nose and forhead quite quietly and then she turned into a frosting beast and before long...I was covered too!

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Pumpking Carving

It was so sweet to watch my two cute kids carving their pumpkins. They put their heart and souls into making these the best pumpkins ever.

It was all fine and dandy for one day. That night we came home to discover that the chickens had pecked them to pieces! ha ha So much for Mariah's cool witch!

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Me and My THINGS!

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Cado Was Cold TOO!

Cado spent Saturday playing soccer in the SNOW! He is sure to argue that he used more energy and was even COLDER than Mariah was on her 22 mile walk. The only thing he can't argue with is the fact that he didn't have to wake up at 4:00 a.m. like she did!

All the players spent a lot of time in the snow. They were soaked by the end of the game. It's a good thing that there were clothes dryers nearby so that they could get their uniforms dry for the next game at 2:30!

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Sixth Grade Volleyball

Mariah has had a great six weeks of playing 6th grade volleyball. They beat every team they played (all three) which puts them at the top of the totem pole when it comes to mad volleyball skills.

Kiley Todd serving.

Mariah serving. She made 5 in a row to pull the team ahead!

It was always a joyous occasion when they actually returned a serve!
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The 22 Mile Temple Walk