Thursday, May 14, 2009

We Knew It Couldn't Be This Easy

All year long we have not heard much about how Bo's cabinetry project was going. Whenever I asked, all was well and that was it. That was...until Tuesday!

Bo called me at noon and said, "Uh mom, I just found out that the cabinetry fair is tomorrow!" Hadn't I been asking this kid when the cabinetry fair was? I was not happy at first, because he still had a lot to do and flunks if his project does not get done for the fair!

So, once again, the project comes home, the neighbors come over and we work through the night!

We are very slow learners!


Carrie said...

You are WAY nicer than me...I'd let my kid flunk so he could learn not to procrastinate!

Dianne said...


Dani said...

Good Job guys!!! And Bo don't call me when you need things finished... I think I may be worse than you!!!! LOL :) Mariah.... I LOVE your new bed!!!!