Cado decided to run for eighth grade Vice President. We are proud of him for this leadership endeavor, although he made it tough for us as we tried to help him come up with a campaign slogan. I think that we started brainstorming at about 6 p.m., and he finally made a decision about 11 p.m.! Thus, the clock picture. By the time he did, it was completely dark outside and in order to take his "nerd" picture we had to turn on all the outdoor lights, get flashlights and turn on the car lights to try to get a decent picture. All of us were out there. Cado was standing on 3 buckets to hang on to the net and I was standing on 2 buckets as I tried to get a picture. Dave and Bo kept me from falling. Then Dave and Cado had to run to USU to print them out. Little does this boy appreciate how much we do for him!
What a CADO!!!
Good luck my Cado!!!!!
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