Sunday, August 7, 2011

UBIC Parade

Brooke came to enjoy the festivities of UBIC and to see what Roosevelt life was like. She got to gather eggs, shear a sheep, go to Bottle Hollow on our KMart boat, eat dutch oven cooking, and go to the parade. We had warned her that the Roosevelt parade was a little different than city parades. Our goal was to bet on and then count the number of floats that were actually in the parade. Then we had to clarify what constituted a float! "Does a big tire constitute a float?" We decided "NO." The criteria for a float was that it had to have some "BLING." An hour later, we had counted 8 floats, mainly because we decided that the floats with "tents" and buffalo heads" DID qualify.

Cado was in the parade for winning the 3 on 3 soccer tourney. That was right after he tied for first for the 3 on 3 basketball tourney as well!

The Subway float created a little controversy as we decided if it was a float or not. Well, it had some BLING so we decided to count it!

Dave and I ran the first annual UBIC 10K as well.
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