Sunday, November 15, 2015

Loss of a Teammate

 Ashley Hansen, one of Mariah's tennis teammates was killed in a car accident on Friday night.  She left a very sad team and a very sad family.  We decided to tie ribbons on the tennis courts to do a remembrance for her.  We found out that her favorite color was green and were blessed to find the perfect green plastic ribbon. 
 The most touching part of the whole event was the fact that Ashley's family asked if they could come too.  What a special moment to see those grieving family members, join in on the tribute.  I can't even imagine their sorrow.
My favorite picture of the whole night was this one.  I just really think that the sunbeam shining on them was Ashley's way of letting them know that she was watching, and that she was very very happy.

 Ashley's family.

 This picture of Mariah and her friends did make it on the evening news.
Ashley was a spitfire!  Her energy and spirit will be remembered!

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