Sunday, September 14, 2008


Ohhh...Wow, was about all I could say Friday night when I came home from Salt Lake and saw part of my hallway bathroom in the living room. Dayton was pulling it apart so that we could remodel it. That's something that we have talked about for a long time but kind of put on the back burners of priorities, especially since we have tons of company coming in 2 weeks! Dayton asked me if I thought we could get most of it done on Saturday! Hum, "I don't think so" I said, but this sure means that we will work quickly! What a great incentive! Dayton knows that if we don't get it done before he goes we may not get it done until he comes back! He is very right on that one. We worked until midnight both nights and have that room all cleared out. I made multiple calls and I think we've found a plumber and electrician who understand our dilemma. Heck, we might even get that door in our bedroom so that we can finally move his bedroom furniture out of our livingroom too! All I can say is that for all this hard work, my relatives better show up! HA!

1 comment:

Dianne said...