Sunday, July 27, 2014

Orangeville Days

 The tradition of Orangeville races and Survivor continued throughout Saturdays festivities.  Me, Alli, Dayton and Shaylie were recruited to pass out the money to the foot race winners.  We discovered that identifying second and third place winners was harder than it looked.  We also witnessed on man tear a hamstring.  He did not look happy and he really didn't care if he earned one of these fancy two dollar bills.

 There were some great games for the Survivor competition.  Mariah's team rocked during those.
 They beat the stacking competition.
 They didn't do so hot in the "move the marbles with your toes" task.
 When it came to the food, they did pretty well...until they got to that egg.  That one was more than they could handle and they ended up losing to the old folks.  Good thing those old folks were "Law's" too and we all got to share the 6 pizzas!

 Dana ready to eat a jar of beef babyfood.  She won by the way.
 In the afternoon there was horseback riding.  Dayton and Hunter just got on for a photo opportunity.  No riding for them.
 There was some intense basketball.
 And, there was lots and lots of Hunter time.
 We're pretty sure he thinks his grandparents are AWESOME!
Late that night, Dayton defrosted a loaf of Grandma's bread and had a little midnight TOAST!

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