Sunday, July 12, 2009

Law Reunion 2009

The yearly tradition of the Law Family Reunion was held this week. We went camping up in Joe's Valley. I think we are getting smarter as the years go by because this time we actually camped at a spot that was really convenient, easy to get to and gorgeous. The girls made it even more beautiful by painting a few of the local rocks.

I'm not sure what happened in this picture but Brooklyn and Mariah were almost instantly dirty. That's a great start to 3 days of camping.

It was chilly. This whole summer is chilly everywhere we go. One of the nights was especially cold and I was wishing we knew how to turn on the heater in our trailer. Where are the Wallace's when we need them!

Mariah's big ball was a great hit on the volleyball court.

Grandpa spent one morning teaching the grandkids a game somewhat like bocce. They had a great time playing it, although we think that one croquet ball is now missing.

Kelly and Doug spent some male bonding time tying flies.

Everyone loved the two days of boating! Dave and Jackson were the only two who received some serious injuries. I have got to put down some "age related rules" when it comes to pulling people on those tubes!

Here's the annual grandkid shot. We were missing 4 very important people...Dayton, Trevor, Shaylie and Leslie! (Oh, and Brooklyn. But she really was there)

1 comment:

Dani said...

Looks like you guys had FUN!!!