Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Like always, I got to celebrate Halloween a little early with the preschoolers. I have such great kids this year that it completely amazes me. Preschool is GOOD. Our favorite part of the day is going all around USU and knocking on every door we see and surprising them as we come trick or treating. Here we are in a Family Finance class. Oh, they sure appreciate a break from that boring lecture! HA

Oh yeah, I dressed up as a hippie and the preschoolers had no clue as to what I was. Many of them came and asked me, "What are you dressed up as?" Well, how do you explain what a hippie is to a 4 year old. They were kind enough to listen to my explanation and then simply would give me a compassionate smile and walk away.

Dave was a little disappointed that I only gave him Pixie Stix to pass out but the kids didn't care. Those were the only treats that I knew he wouldn't eat before the kids got there!

1 comment:

Tigersue said...

Now that is a laugh!!!!!!!!
Dave needs our tin. :)