Monday, March 3, 2008

Jazz Game and Grandparents Day Prep

Today Dave and Cayden were so excited because they got to go to the Jazz game. The Jazz are playing Dallas and they have seats in the 5th row. They are there right now. We turned on our t.v. to try to see them, but our rabbit ears only bring in blurs of people. At least we tried.

I spent all day getting ready for Grandparents Day in preschool that is tomorrow. Angie Wickel is my student teacher and we had fun time trying to get ready. Our most fun discovery was the room upstairs that has is filled with costumes that no one now uses. We searched through and found ourselves some nice matching cowgirl outfits that we are going to wear tomorrow. That should humor everyone! The bad thing about being so busy today, was that I did forget Mariah at school. I remembered 20 minutes after school was out, panicked, and couldn't find my keys. By the time I did and drove down there, I saw Bo in the minivan with Mariah. What a good big brother. He was headed to soccer practice and he saw her and saved the day. Thanks Bo!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Good luck with Grandparents' Day! I'm sure it will be a big hit as usual!